Year: 2020

FAQs about Dental Implants

What are Dental Implants? Have you lost your teeth or are you suffering from gum disease, tooth decay, or even failed root canal? If so, you need to visit Bridgeport Dental Clinic to get it treated. Dental implants treatment is done for replacing the missing teeth in your mouth. Implants are made of materials like […]


Top Reasons Why Dental Health Matters

Dental health is often overlooked by most of only to realize later how big a mistake it was. Dentists in Bridgeport say that there is a lack of awareness about dental health which makes people take their oral health for granted. If you keep just a few points in mind and visit an expert for […]


Significant Tips to Maintain Your Oral Health

Overlooking the importance of sound oral health could make you pay a hefty price later. Maintaining your oral health is as important as maintaining the rest of your body. Taking oral hygiene for granted could pose serious dental health problems. Most people avoid regular dental visits and often ignore their dental health. As a leading […]


FAQs about Invisalign Treatment Answered

Restoring your brand new smile will never leave you with any regrets. Invisalign treatment helps you achieve that discreetly. Let’s get down to some important FAQs about Invisalign treatment. We are hoping that you will get all the answers that you are looking for related to Invisalign treatment. What is Invisalign treatment? Invisalign treatment involves […]


How to Keep Your Mouth Healthy?

Oral health is often overlooked by many of us and we might end up paying a huge price for it later. According to expert dentists in Bridgeport, it is very important to take the necessary steps to keep your mouth healthy and not avoid your oral health as doing so could land you in a […]


Insurances taken :

Medicare & CHIP, Medicaid, Most PPO insurances and Fee for service